Designed exclusively for Christian CEOs and executives, the C12 format helps you calibrate the entirety of your business by providing a proven framework for transformation. Every month, members receive wise counsel from like-minded peers, MBA-level curriculum, and one-on-one executive coaching. Each C12 business forum has on average 200 years of business and spiritual acumen around the table! Imagine having that as a board of advisors each month.

Leaders limit their potential when they lead from isolation. That’s why thousands of faith-driven, results-minded CEOs and executives meet in C12 Southwest Florida Business Forums monthly to both encourage and challenge one another. These powerful groups of peers work together to make better decisions, avoid costly mistakes, and create solid plans for business growth, all while striving to create eternal impact far beyond the bottom line.
Create a framework that compels and equips Christian business leaders to achieve excellence through the power of peers. C12 Southwest Florida helps CEOs and executives calibrate the entirety of their businesses through its signature 5-Point Alignment Matrix: continually evaluating and aligning growth strategies, financial stewardship, cultural development, and operations. Our rigorous, interactive curriculum empowers C12 members to dive headfirst into the challenges and opportunities of today’s marketplace.